The Monte Bosta area, the slopes of which are divided between the municipalities of Filattiera, Bagnone and Villafranca Lunigiana, offers mountain bike enthusiasts an excellent network of trails that are now the beating heart of the Lunigiana Bike Area thanks to the work of LunigianaXBike and Società Ciclistica Villafranca.
The various Trails can be ‘linked’ to one another thanks to the marked loops, for example number 6 or number 23, or they can be ridden downhill after short climbs on asphalt or dirt roads leading to the start of each one.
The trails are all well signposted and do not present excessive technical difficulties for bikers. Those who are already accustomed to riding downhill will enjoy the ‘flow’ and ‘split’ sections, while less experienced bikers will find the ideal spot to increase their skills, with bends and counter-bends, counter-slopes, roots and small steps.

Vecchio Enry

(Degree of difficulty: Blue on IMBA scale)
Dist.1800 m / Dslv-195 m

Description: Trail that leads from the slopes of Monte Bosta above the village of Lusignana, partly traced “ex novo” by LunigianaXbike. The first part is a single-track on an earth surface, with changes in gradient, tight bends, sections on roots and the possibility, not obligatory, of a drop. In the final part it becomes a double-track where the inclination softens. Perfect for having fun ‘in conduction’ and improving technique.

Fil di Cresta

(Degree of difficulty: Red on IMBA scale)
Dist.1700 m / Dslv -210 m

Description: The name is indicative of its morphology. The trail runs along a mountain ridge in the buttress of Mount Bosta. The first part has some passages on rocky thresholds, to be copied or skipped depending on ability. The second part is on dirt, with a narrow track winding its way through the trees. Throughout its length, it alternates between steep sections and short uphill sections with some very satisfying vantage points, which can be enjoyed by taking a break.


(Degree of difficulty: Green on the IMBA scale)
Dist.1900 m / Dslv -117 m+78 m

Description: first part uphill on a carriage road followed by a central part on single track consisting of fun and agile ups and downs where you learn to manage changes in gradient. The final section is “flow” with a dirt surface and all to ride, perfect for daring.

Ca’ di Piola

(Degree of difficulty: Blue on IMBA scale)
Dist.3400 m / Dslv-279 m

Description: the longest of the Monte Bosta trails, it runs along an ancient mule track once used to connect villages and today a wonder for our wheels. Between old retaining walls and some sections that are still covered with cobblestones, we alternate short technical sections with others that are very rideable. The perfect trail for an enjoyable return to the valley, all the way to the village of Filattiera.


(Degree of difficulty: Blue on IMBA scale) Dist. 1800 m /Dslv -167 m

Description: trail connecting the village of Biglio with the village of Irola di Sopra. Initial part on fun single-track that moves sinuously and quickly through chestnut trees where attention must be paid to a couple of non-trivial passages. The final part becomes wider, on a dirt track that brings us up to speed. Always to moderate at the entrance to the village and when crossing pedestrians.

La Fola

(Degree of difficulty: Red on the IMBA scale) Dist. 1900 m / Dslv -265 m

Description: Among the 6 trails of Monte Bosta this is the most vertical of all, with rock passages and artificial steps made to “break” the slope. A Trail to be ridden carefully for the less experienced and “full throttle” for the pro bikers. At the end of the Trail, the Via Francigena crosses to connect with Filetto or Filattiera through the forest.


di Cresta


di Piola