Thanks to the work of the cyclists of the “Sentieri Liguri Apuani”, around Equi Terme there are now 6 Trails of different difficulty, from Green to Black, IMBA scale, to test every technical skill and for lots and lots of fun!

La Molina

La Molina – (Degree of difficulty: Green/Blue on IMBA scale)
Dist + 903m / Dslv -107m

Description: Trail connecting the villages of Mezzana and Equi Terme
Leaving the paved road near the guardrail with a house on the left, take the off road track which quickly descends between cultivated fields and olive trees. After crossing a grove of oak trees, the track then skirts the railway, crosses it with an underpass and then continues along the left side of it, until meeting the state road of Equi Term

Aiola Trail

(Degree of difficulty: Blue on IMBA scale)
Dist +1100m / Dslv -220m

Description: Trail that combines different types of riding: from flow, to technical, to speed, to driven. Varied and very challenging in some sections, fast and technical in others. After a more dynamic first segment, you will cross an often muddy section, to then enter the more straightforward section of the single track. On the final sudden crossing of the stream follow the series of steep curves.

Fazzano Trail

(Grado di difficoltà: Blu su scala IMBA)
Dist + 1100 m / Dslv -220 m

Descrizione: Trail che abbina diverse tipologie di guida: dal flow, al tecnico, alla velocità, al guidato. Completo ed assai didattico in alcuni tratti, veloce e nervoso in altri. Dopo un primo segmento più dinamico, si attraverserà una cornice spesso umida, per poi entrare nella sezione più guidata del single track. Sul finale repentino attraversamento di un canale, susseguente a ripide curve in serie.

Vertical Strap

(Degree of difficulty: Red on IMBA scale)
Dist + 989m / Dslv -249m

Description: Vertical and guided trail. Mostly technical and never easy. Some steps to be tackled with care and prudence, especially if you are not an expert. The first part is very fast and dynamic, followed by the second section which is more straightforward. Fun and adrenaline-pumping on a narrow, woodland track. If wet, or excessively dry, descend with due care. End the trail on a dirt ascent route (horse trail) which leads back to the hamlet of Casciana.


(Degree of difficulty: Red on IMBA scale)
Dist +1000m / Dslv -233m

Description: Adrenaline and technical trail. With a smooth first part, even if on a dirt track surface, and after crossing a forest (near a hunters’ lookout), the trail climbs slightly, to then dive into the second section. This, undoubtedly more vertical, narrow and complex, includes segments requiring very good cycling skills and confidence.
Always stimulating and surprising until the final exit which will take place on a private paved road. Follow it on your left until you reach Equi Terme.


(Difficulty Rating: Black on IMBA Scale)
Dist + 7100m / Dslv – 1155m

Description: Apuan Trail in all its aspects. Long ascent, physically demanding, never complex.
It is a descent that unfolds every possible aspect of riding: enjoyable, flow, fast, technical, severe and sometimes vertical.
Always pay attention to crossroads, which are not always intuitive.
The trail maintains a good wet grip but given the starting altitude and proximity to the Apuan Alps, in winter you must consider the possibility of snow and ice.
Arrival is in an inhabited centre, an ancient village, so you must pay attention to the inhabitants.
P.S. (For those who intend to tackle the Black Ring and not the entire trail, follow the ascent route on the CAI 40 and the descent on the Odissea Lower Part track)

rt – HERE GPX)




Fazzano Trail

Vertical Strap
